A short trip today as we decided to head to Bönhamn. With no rush, we headed off just before 11am and with a nice NW3-4 blowing, we pulled out full jib once we got out of the Häggvik entrance. We managed to sail most of the way, but as we approached Högbonden lighthouse, the breeze dropped and we had to pull in the jib and motor for the last half hour or so. Högbonden lighthouse is the highest situated in Sweden. It is actually quite a short lighthouse, but it stands well up the cliff, giving it the honour of being the highest! At its peak 21 people lived on the island and there was even a school, but it was automated in 1963 and the island was deserted until 1986. The lighthouse and associated buildings were then renovated and it now it is just a hostel and cafe. There are daily ferries from Bönhamn and Barstahamn.
At Bönhamn we were surprised to find the harbour almost empty, but nevertheless decided to moor bow to with a stern anchor, not least because it was forecast to blow from the NW during the night and we preferred not to be pushed alongside the jetty by the breeze. By the end of the day, there were two more boats moored, but given it is almost the end of June, it is still surprisingly quiet. Follow the link below to view our track: